ASPL User's Guide v 1.00
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The attributes of the elements defined in a grouping class can tie to a UNIX device through the tie mechanism implemented through Udev interface. For a group whose elements tie to an external UNIX device, ASPL will create the stubs, however you need to edit the stub to finalize its connectivity with the devices so the attributes can stream data in real time (everytime ASPL set variables are collecting data for their attributes).
The sample workspace SIGNALS shows an example on how to tie attributes to UNIX devices. In the following example we start ASPL loading the sample workspace SIGNALS and show these components involved in the tie process. This is done only once when creating the element grouping class OSCILLATORSGROUP. The example below is used for the sake of explaning the tie process.
terminal for the internals of tying UNIX device: SIGNALS TIE
In the following example we show the usual usage of tied interface by putting the tie process at work. In this example we start ASPL loading the sample workspace SIGNALS and show how to do a simulation to intersect two data signals.
terminal for example: SIGNALS