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Explaining how to tie UNIX devices to attributes for data stream

The mechanism to tie attributes to streamable UNIX serial devices is shown in the following example. For how to create an element grouping class you need to refer to the help pages of the command metagrouping that is available with ASPL Professional or ASPL Enterprise distribution.

ASPL 1> attributes
display the attributes

ASPL 2> egCwhoami
ping the element grouping class

ASPL 3> ~feeder
tilde command to change directory to the location of the feeder class

print tree structure under /opt/ASPLv1.00/BRIDGE/ASPL/GGs/OSCILLATORSGROUP to show the tie directory structure

ASPL 5> ll
list files in current directory

ASPL 6> numln Udev.pm
print file Udev.pm


ASPL 8> ll

ASPL 9> numln TiSCA_fosc1.pm
print TiSCA_fosc1.pm

ASPL 10> ggls ggoscillators()
print the global grouping class ggoscillators()

ASPL 11> quit
quit.. sweet!