ASPL 1> mg123 = ggbitsubgS(gstart,1,gcount,3,dcount,2,dmin,2,dmax,3,scount,2,smin,2,smax,3,sfcount,1,sfmin,2,sfmax,3,fcount,2,fmin,2,fmax,3,mix,1)
create the set variable mg123 from a GG function ggbitsubgS()
ASPL 2> gU mg123
display the group union in mg123
ASPL 3> gP mg123
display the partitons of groups and elements in mg123
ASPL 4> fP mg123
display the partitons of elements in mg123
ASPL 5> f%U mg123
display the sequence alignment of the elements in mg123
ASPL 6> g%U mg123
display the sequence alignment of the subgroups and elements in mg123
ASPL 7> f& mg123
display the intersection of the elements in mg123
ASPL 8> g%& mg123
display the sequence alignment of the subgroups and elements in mg123
ASPL 9> v
display the variables in the symbol table
ASPL 10> split mg123 into g1 g2 g3
split mg123 into three set variables g1 g2 g3
ASPL 11> v
display the variables in the symbol table
ASPL 12> f& g1 g2 g3
display the intersection of the elements between g1 g2 g3
ASPL 13> split mg123 into a1 a2 a3
split mg123 into three set variables a1 a2 a3
ASPL 14> v
display the variables in the symbol table
ASPL 15> f& a1 a2 a3
display the intersection of the elements between a1 a2 a3
ASPL 16> d%U a1 a2
display the sequence alignment between the subgroups-union in a1 and a2
ASPL 17> d%& a1 a2
blablabla ASPL 17> d%& a1 a2
display the sequence alignment between the subgroups-intersection in a1 and a2
ASPL 18> f%& a1 a2
display the sequence alignment between the elements-intersection in a1 and a2
ASPL 19> f%& a1 a2 a3
display the sequence alignment between the elements-intersection in a1 a2 and a3
ASPL 20> g%& a1 a2 a3
display the sequence alignment between the subgroups-and-elements-intersection in a1 a2 and a3
ASPL 21> bye
bye, save workspace and quit ASPL