Chapter 2

Using Your ASPL Calculator

Your ASPL calcultor is an interpreter that can do sophesticated set operations with simple commands. The calculator is a premier to provide semantic users interaction with their datasets. In this chapter you will learn how to create datasets and save them in a workspace. Displaying the datasets, and issuing setadic operations on these datasets. How to change the display mode, how to display the descriptor of the datasets, how to start the tattler, how to .. ASPL provides operators to do sequence operations on your set variables, these operators are called seqops operators. Seqops operations use alignment algorithms to visualize the difference between elements of your grouped data. The alignment algorithms work on the attributes of each element in the group hence allowing you to inspect the difference between elements whose state have changed. For instance, elements that are similar and have the same checksum will be aligned and shown in green color and in red color otherwise. The following chapter consists of pages describing ASP seqops.

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