ASPL Guide to Operations v 1.00
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3. 11
   apop pops the last result from the enswer stack into a binned set variable



apop binnedvar       where binnedvar is a binned set variable


When specified by itself then simply pop the augment enswer stack

apop  asetoid  01*          ins:H_H_AH  ous:H_H_AH

●  Operator apop pops the last result from the enswer stack into a binned set variable

Use the operator apop to pop the augmented enswer stack. If the operator is followed by a variable name then the operation will pop the top of the augmented enswer stack and assign it to the binned variable.


In this example we start ASPL loading the sample workspace WS1, then we issue an augmented set operation to intersect two binned set variables. We pop the augmented enswer stack into a binned set variable.



aspl WS1
    (start ASPL loading the sample workspace WS1)

①  aspl> f&& aa1 aa2
    (display the interection between aa1 and aa2, the result is also pushed on the augmented enswer stack)

②  aspl> ens
    (display the augmented enswer stack)

③  aspl> apop aa12
    (pop the answer stack into variable aa12 )

④  aspl> ens
    (display the augmented enswer stack)

⑤  aspl> av
    (display augmented symbol table, aa12 is in the table)

⑥  aspl> av d aa12
    (view binned variable descriptor aa12 )