ASPL Guide to Operations v 1.00
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3. 32*= starassign as the union translation of one or more set variables into a binned set variable
binnedvar *= a1 [a2 .. aN] where a1 [a2 .. aN] are set variables
starassign asetoid 1* ins:H_H_H ous:H_H_AH
The starassign *= is a binary operator, it is preceded by a set variable to contain the union of all the set variables that are specified on its right. The resulting variable is an augmented set variable (also called binned variable) with shape H_H_AH. Therefore the starassign *= will transform a set of H_H_H shaped variables into a H_H_AH variable. The new variable is saved in the augmented symbol table and can be viewed using the command av.
*= EXAMPLEThree set variables a1, a2, and a3 are assigned to the group of files contained in three different directory. These three variables are assigned to an augmented set variable aa123. The sample workspace WS1 is used in this example.
*= OPERATION# aspl WS1
① aspl>
(view the set variables symbol table)
② aspl>
aa123 *= a1 a2 a3
(aa123 now contains a1 a2 a3)
③ aspl>
adisplay aa123
(print and display the set variable aa123)
④ aspl>
(view the augmented symbol table)
⑤ aspl>
av d aa123
(view its internal descriptor)
⑥ aspl>
adensity aa123
(view its density)
⑦ aspl>
asim aa123
(view the similarities of aa123)
⑧ aspl>
fUU aa123
(get the union )
⑨ aspl>
(see result on the augmented enswer stack)