ASPL Guide to Operations v 1.00
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3. 6# gets the cardinality of a set variable
# [a1 .. aN] where [a1 .. aN] are set variables
When specified by itself then display the cardinality of the dataset on the top of stack
cardinality text 01* notcommu ins:H_H_H ret:text
Use the operator # to display the cardinality of a set variable. When followed by multiple set variables then show the cardinality of all set variables. To show the cardinality of the dataset resulting from the last operation, just issue # and that will show the cardinality of the last operation pushed on the top of stack.
See also the density operator see SECTION 3.18.1 [density determines the elements density of one or more set variables] .
# EXAMPLEIn this example we start ASPL loading the sample workspace WS1 then we issue the operator # to show how to get the cardinality of groups respresented by set variables.
(start ASPL loading the sample workspace WS1)
① aspl>
(print the symbol table)
② aspl>
# a1
(display the cardinality of a1)
③ aspl>
# a1 a2 a3
(display the cardinality of a1 a2 a3)
④ aspl>
u123 = fU a1 a2 a3
(get the elements union of a1 a2 a3 and assign it to u123)
⑤ aspl>
# u123
(display the cardinality of u123)
⑥ aspl>
(display the answer stack)
⑦ aspl>
(display the cardinality of the dataset on the top of stack)
⑧ aspl>
U123 = gU a1 a2 a3
(get the group union of a1 a2 a3 and assign it to U123)
⑨ aspl>
# u123 U123
(display the cardinality of u123 and U123)
⑩ aspl>
density u123
(display the density of u123)
⑪ aspl>
sim u123
(display the similarity of u123)