ASPL Guide to Operations v 1.00
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3. 23split splits set variables into set variables
split a1 [a2 .. aN] into trg1 trg2 .. where a1 [a2 .. aN] trg1 trg2 .. are set variables
the number of the target set variables must match the number of the labeled groups in a1 [a2 .. aN]
split a1 [a2 .. aN] into trg* where a1 [a2 .. aN] trg* are set variables
using the wildcard in trg* is possible if a1 a2 .. have regulated label names (see example 2 and 3 below)
split setoid 1*t ins:H_H_H ous:H_H_H
Use the split operator to split a set variable into its consituent labeling group. A set variable whose labeled groups are formed by a word suffixed by digit numbers can be split using a target name followed by a wildcard (see example 2 below). For instance, this is useful to split group labels of set variables representing UNIX processes (see example 3).
split EXAMPLE1The following example shows how to use split operator.
split OPERATION1# aspl WS1
(start ASPL loading sample workspace WS1)
① aspl>
a123 = f& a1 a2 a3
(assign a123 to the intersection of a1 a2 a3)
② aspl>
split a123 into t1 t2
(this split will fail since you need to specify three target set variables)
③ aspl>
split a123 into t1 t2 t3
(this splits a123 into t1 t2 t3 successfully)
④ aspl>
split EXAMPLE2Use the split operator to split a variable into multiple variables according to their named group label. If the group label names are homogeneously named according to a predefined suffix then you can split them according to that suffix.
split OPERATION2# aspl WS1
(start ASPL loading sample workspace WS1)
① aspl>
a1234 = gU a1 a2 a3 a4
(a1234 is assigned a1 a2 a3 a4)
② aspl>
(print symbol table, see colum Lvr showing the group label regulated names)
③ aspl>
split a1234 into t*
(split a1234 into t* that will create t1 t2 t3 t4)
④ aspl>
(print symbol table)
split EXAMPLE3Use the split operator to split a variable into multiple variables according to their named group label. If the group label names are homogeneously named according to a predefined suffix then you can split them according to that suffix. In this example we will harvest the processes started by a WebSphere startup script then split them into variables each named with the process label. Refer to workspace ENV123.
split OPERATION3# aspl ENV123
(start ASPL loading sample workspace ENV123)
① aspl>
wa3 = ggreapenvbypid(grp1,wa1,program,/opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/bin/ server1,onlychanged,1)
(harvest the processes started by and assign them to wa3)
② aspl>
③ aspl>
split wa3 into p*
(split wa3 into it group of processes assign them to p*)
④ aspl>
⑤ aspl>
sim p17016 p17018 p17019
(display similarity between the processes)
⑥ aspl>
fU p17016 p17018 p17019
(display the processes union)
⑦ aspl>
f& p17016 p17018 p17019
(display the processes intersection)
⑧ aspl>
f\ p17018 p17016
(display difference between processes p17018 p17016)
⑨ aspl>
f\ p17016 p17018
(display difference between processes p17016 p17018)