ASPL Guide to Operations v 1.00
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3. 29= assigns a dataset to a set variable
v1 = v2 where v1 v2 are set variables
v = set-expression
assign setoid 1 ins:H_H_H ous:H_H_H
Use the = to assign a set variable to the result of a set operation. You can also assign a set variable to another set variable.
= EXAMPLEThe following example shows how to use the assign = operator.
(start ASPL loading the sample workspace WS1)
① aspl>
a12 = f& a1 a2
(a12 is assigned the intersection of a1 a2)
② aspl>
(print the set variables symbol table)
③ aspl>
display a12
(display a12)
④ aspl>
j12 = a12
(j12 is assigned to a12)
⑤ aspl>
(print the set variables symbol table)
⑥ aspl>
ud12 = {f\ {fU a1 a2} {fU a2 a3}}
(here is an example assigning an expression to a set variable)
⑦ aspl>
(print the set variables symbol table)