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Inspect WebSphere environment JVM processes by reaping the processes started by startNode and stopNode

In this example we reap WebSphere processes started by startNode.sh AND stopNode.sh run on the UNIX system. The script wasreaper.aspl calls ASPL grouping function ggreapenvbypid() to reap and collect the environment started by JVM processes.

ASPL 1> ks varname varvalue chksum ppdd ffl
set ks vector to varname varvalue chksum ppdd ffl

ASPL 2> displayoff
turn off display

ASPL 3> printblock *** REAPING ENV OF WebSphere startNode.sh ***

ASPL 4> w1 = ggreapenvbypid(program,/opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/bin/startNode.sh,onlychanged,1)
reap sartNode.sh and assign the group of environment variables to set variable w1

ASPL 5> printblock *** REAPING ENV OF WebSphere stopNode.sh ***

ASPL 6> w2 = ggreapenvbypid(program,/opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/bin/stopNode.sh,onlychanged,1)
reap stopNode.sh and assign the group of environment variables to set variable w2

ASPL 7> displayon
turn display on

ASPL 8> printblock *** COMPARING WEBSPHERE startNode.sh AND stopNode.sh PROCESSES INTERNALS ***

ASPL 9> gU w1 w2
display the union of environment variables between sartNode.sh and stopNode.sh

ASPL 10> printblock *** ENV VAR SAME FOR WEBSPHERE startNode.sh AND stopNode.sh PROCESSES INTERNALS ***

ASPL 11> fU,`ks= w1 w2
display the environment variables that are similar in both sartNode.sh and stopNode.sh

ASPL 12> printblock *** ENV VAR DIFFER FOR WEBSPHERE startNode.sh AND stopNode.sh PROCESSES INTERNALS ***

ASPL 13> fU,`ks~ w1 w2
display the environment variables that are different in both sartNode.sh and stopNode.sh