ASPL 1> v
display the variables.
ASPL 2> shallowed
display the shallow processors table.
ASPL 3> setshallowed prcrelem
set the processor to prcrelem.
ASPL 4> setprcr transac
set the preprocessor to transac.
ASPL 5> shallowed
display the shallow processors table.
notice the change, now the processor is prcrelem and the preprocessor is transac.
ASPL 6> f*P tx1 tx2
do a shallow set parition.
it is not supported.
ASPL 7> g*D tx1 tx2
do a shallow group symetric difference.
it is not supported at the group level.
ASPL 8> f*D tx1 tx2
do a shallow elements symetric difference.
inspect the result.
ASPL 9> quit