ASPL 2> S123_130 = ggRPO3Sov(N,130,glb1,S1,glb2,S2,glb3,S3,nmfl,S123_130)
S123_130 is assigned to the GADg group that contains three subgroups labeled S1, S2, and S3 representing three spheres with 130 polygons on each
ASPL 3> split S123_130 into S1 S2 S3
split S123_130 into three set variables S1 S2 and S3
ASPL 4> f& S1 S2
intersect S1 and S2 to get the intersection of polygons between spheres S1 and S2
ASPL 5> f& S1 S3
intersect S1 and S3 to get the intersection of polygons between spheres S1 and S3
ASPL 6> f& S2 S3
intersect S2 and S3 to get the intersection of polygons between spheres S2 and S3
ASPL 7> f& S1 S2 S3
intersect S1 S2 and S3 to get the intersection of polygons between spheres S1 S2 and S3
ASPL 8> pop S123
pop the answer stack in S123, that is the intersection of polygons between the three spheres
ASPL 9> pop S23
pop the answer stack in S23, that is the intersection of polygons between S2 and S3
ASPL 10> pop S13
pop the answer stack in S13, that is the intersection of polygons between S1 and S3
ASPL 11> pop S12
pop the answer stack in S12, that is the intersection of polygons between S1 and S2
ASPL 12> dumpgad S123
dump S123 GAD object, that will create S123-geogad-aspl.tobj in ASPL ~tmp
ASPL 13> dumpgad S12
dump S12 GAD object, that will create S12-geogad-aspl.tobj in ASPL ~tmp
ASPL 14> dumpgad S13
dump S13 GAD object, that will create S13-geogad-aspl.tobj in ASPL ~tmp
ASPL 15> dumpgad S23
dump S23 GAD object, that will create S23-geogad-aspl.tobj in ASPL ~tmp