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Geometric set operations on polygons created on three spheres

Set operations performed in ASPL's geometric workspaces are termed geometric set operations. In the following example we show how to create random polygons on three spheres. The intersections between the polygons is realized using ASPL set intersection.


ASPL 2> S123_130 = ggRPO3Sov(N,130,glb1,S1,glb2,S2,glb3,S3,nmfl,S123_130)
S123_130 is assigned to the GADg group that contains three subgroups labeled S1, S2, and S3 representing three spheres with 130 polygons on each

ASPL 3> split S123_130 into S1 S2 S3
split S123_130 into three set variables S1 S2 and S3

ASPL 4> f& S1 S2
intersect S1 and S2 to get the intersection of polygons between spheres S1 and S2

ASPL 5> f& S1 S3
intersect S1 and S3 to get the intersection of polygons between spheres S1 and S3

ASPL 6> f& S2 S3
intersect S2 and S3 to get the intersection of polygons between spheres S2 and S3

ASPL 7> f& S1 S2 S3
intersect S1 S2 and S3 to get the intersection of polygons between spheres S1 S2 and S3

ASPL 8> pop S123
pop the answer stack in S123, that is the intersection of polygons between the three spheres

ASPL 9> pop S23
pop the answer stack in S23, that is the intersection of polygons between S2 and S3

ASPL 10> pop S13
pop the answer stack in S13, that is the intersection of polygons between S1 and S3

ASPL 11> pop S12
pop the answer stack in S12, that is the intersection of polygons between S1 and S2

ASPL 12> dumpgad S123
dump S123 GAD object, that will create S123-geogad-aspl.tobj in ASPL ~tmp

ASPL 13> dumpgad S12
dump S12 GAD object, that will create S12-geogad-aspl.tobj in ASPL ~tmp

ASPL 14> dumpgad S13
dump S13 GAD object, that will create S13-geogad-aspl.tobj in ASPL ~tmp

ASPL 15> dumpgad S23
dump S23 GAD object, that will create S23-geogad-aspl.tobj in ASPL ~tmp