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How to compare PATH between UNIX hosts in a cloud

In a cloud environment we use ASPL to compare the system PATH across many hosts. We turn the PATH of each system into a group represented by a set variable, then we invoke ASPL set opeators to compare the set variables. The similarity of many system PATHes can be displayed. The intersection or the difference between the PATHes can be viewed simply by using ASPL set operators. It is possible to visualize the alignment of the system PATH when specifying two hosts.

ASPL 1> tee -a /public/tee/pathcompare.pl.tee
ignore this command, for internal use to display this content

ASPL 2> timeout 300
set timeout to 300 seconds

ASPL 2> timeout 300
set ASPL timeout to 300 seconds

ASPL 3> displayoff
turn off display to avoid lengthy output

ASPL 4> mm01 = ggpath(grp1,mm01 ,PATH,/sbin:/opt/ASPLv1.00/bin)
get the PATH of current host and assign it to mm01

ASPL 5> vienna = ggpathR(grp1,vienna,hostname,vienna ,PATH,/sbin:/opt/ASPLv1.00/bin)
get the PATH of remote host vienna and assign it to vienna

ASPL 6> displayon
turn on display

ASPL 7> f%& mm01 vienna
display the intersection of the PATH between mm01 and vienna

ASPL 8> sim mm01 vienna
display the similarity of the PATH between mm01 and vienna

ASPL 9> v
display the set variables in ASPL symbol table