ASPL 1> tee -a /public/tee/
ignore this command, for internal use to display this content
ASPL 2> timeout 300
set timeout to 300 seconds
ASPL 2> timeout 300
set ASPL timeout to 300 seconds
ASPL 3> displayoff
turn off display to avoid lengthy output
ASPL 4> mm01 = ggpath(grp1,mm01 ,PATH,/sbin:/opt/ASPLv1.00/bin)
get the PATH of current host and assign it to mm01
ASPL 5> vienna = ggpathR(grp1,vienna,hostname,vienna ,PATH,/sbin:/opt/ASPLv1.00/bin)
get the PATH of remote host vienna and assign it to vienna
ASPL 6> displayon
turn on display
ASPL 7> f%& mm01 vienna
display the intersection of the PATH between mm01 and vienna
ASPL 8> sim mm01 vienna
display the similarity of the PATH between mm01 and vienna
ASPL 9> v
display the set variables in ASPL symbol table