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How to call ASPL script to compare system PATH between UNIX hosts in a cloud

In a cloud environment we use ASPL to compare the system PATH between two hosts. The following script read the system PATH of two hosts and display their similarities and differences.

ASPL 1> DEF FN cmp2sets := {gU {g\, %%1 %%2}{g\, %%2 %%1}{g&, %%1 %%2}}

ASPL 2> timeout 300

ASPL 3> displayoff

ASPL 4> print ** GETTING mm01 ENV

ASPL 5> p1 = ggpathR(grp1,mm01,hostname,mm01,ENVNAME,PATH)

ASPL 6> print ** GETTING vienna ENV

ASPL 7> p2 = ggpathR(grp1,vienna,hostname,vienna,ENVNAME,PATH)

ASPL 8> displayon

ASPL 9> ks chksum size mtime ffl

ASPL 10> print ############################################

ASPL 11> print # SHOWING SET COMPARISONS BETWEEN mm01 and vienna

ASPL 12> print ############################################

ASPL 13> FN cmp2sets(p1,p2)

ASPL 18> print ############################################

ASPL 19> print # SHOWING SET SIMILARITY BETWEEN mm01 and vienna

ASPL 20> print ############################################

ASPL 21> sim p1 p2

ASPL 22> sim`c p1 p2

ASPL 23> sim`f p1 p2

ASPL 24> sim`ffl p1 p2

ASPL 25> println