# jarsimilarity.pl /tmp/JMX/2151754-wasjmx.jar /tmp/JMX/2281258-wasjmx.jar /tmp/JMX/2376115-wasjmx.jar
#!/usr/bin/env aspl -groupingclass POSIX -wsname TRANSIENT -dm 3 -singlepass timeout 120 ks chksum size ppdd ffl displayoff jar0 = ggjar(jarfile,/tmp/JMX/2151754-wasjmx.jar,calchksum,1,calentropy,1) jar1 = ggjar(jarfile,/tmp/JMX/2281258-wasjmx.jar,calchksum,1,calentropy,1) jar2 = ggjar(jarfile,/tmp/JMX/2376115-wasjmx.jar,calchksum,1,calentropy,1) displayon print ##### SHOWING THE GROUP UNION ##### ,gU jar0 jar1 jar2 print ##### SHOWING SET SIMILARITY ##### sim jar0 jar1 jar2 print ##### SHOWING SET SIMILARITY w. FILE CHECKSUMS ##### sim`fflc jar0 jar1 jar2 println vOnce the program terminates the user can see the difference between all the three JAR archives.
ASPL 1> timeout 120
set timeout to 120 seconds, extracting a large archive and objectifying it
may take some time
ASPL 2> ks chksum size ppdd ffl
set the ks vector to 'chksum size ppdd ffl' all known attributes in POSIX grouping class
ASPL 3> displayoff
turn off display so command won't print lengthy output
ASPL 4> jar0 = ggjar(jarfile,/tmp/JMX/2151754-wasjmx.jar,calchksum,1,calentropy,1)
create jar0 variable and assign it the result of GG function ggjar() for /tmp/JMX/2151754-wasjmx.jar
archive, also consider calculating the checksum and enthropy
ASPL 5> jar1 = ggjar(jarfile,/tmp/JMX/2281258-wasjmx.jar,calchksum,1,calentropy,1)
create jar1 variable and assign it the result of GG function ggjar() for /tmp/JMX/2281258-wasjmx.jar archive
ASPL 6> jar2 = ggjar(jarfile,/tmp/JMX/2376115-wasjmx.jar,calchksum,1,calentropy,1)
create jar1 variable and assign it the result of GG function ggjar() for /tmp/JMX/2376115-wasjmx.jar archive
ASPL 7> displayon
turn display on
ASPL 8> print ##### SHOWING THE GROUP UNION #####
print an information string ##### SHOWING THE GROUP UNION #####
ASPL 9> ,gU jar0 jar1 jar2
show the difference between all three JAR archives by displaying the labinated
group union of the set variables jar0 jar1 jar2
ASPL 10> print ##### SHOWING SET SIMILARITY #####
ASPL 11> sim jar0 jar1 jar2
show the similarity between all three JAR archives, notice that they really look similar
when considering only the file names regardless of their checksums
print an information string ##### SHOWING SET SIMILARITY w. FILE CHECKSUMS #####
ASPL 13> sim`
fflc jar0 jar1 jar2
show the similarity between all three JAR archives considering the checksum of the files in the archives,
notice how similarity dropped since many files by the same name are different
ASPL 14> print ##### SHOWING ASPL SYMBOL TABLE #####
ASPL 15> v
display the symbol table