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Comparing Java JAR archives with ASPL jarcomparelong.aspl

Comparing the JAR archives on Linux filesystem is made easy with ASPL scripting language. You can ...

ASPL 1> DEF FN cmp2sets := {gU {g\, %%1 %%2}{g\, %%2 %%1}{g&, %%1 %%2}}
define the function cmp2sets that we will use later

ASPL 2> timeout 60
set timeout to 60 seconds

ASPL 3> displayoff
turn display off so commands won't print length output

ASPL 4> d1 = ggjar(jarfile,/tmp/TX/27238-tx.jar,calchksum,1,calentropy,1)
assign to d1 the dataset representing the Jar file 27238-tx.jar, also calculate checksum and entropy of the elements

ASPL 5> d2 = ggjar(jarfile,/tmp/TX/38141-tx.jar,calchksum,1,calentropy,1)
assign to d2 the dataset representing the Jar file 38141-tx.jar, also calculate checksum and entropy of the elements

ASPL 6> displayon
turn display on

ASPL 7> ks chksum size ffl
set ks vector to chksum size ffl

ASPL 8> print ####### GETTING THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN /tmp/TX/27238-tx.jar and /tmp/TX/38141-tx.jar
print info string

ASPL 9> f\ d1 d2
print these files in d1 but not in d2

ASPL 10> print ####### GETTING THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN /tmp/TX/38141-tx.jar and /tmp/TX/27238-tx.jar
print info string

ASPL 11> f\ d2 d1
print these files in d2 but not in d1

ASPL 12> print ####### GETTING THE INTERSECTION BETWEEN /tmp/TX/27238-tx.jar and /tmp/TX/38141-tx.jar HAVING SAME CHECKSUMS
print info string

ASPL 13> f&`c= d1 d2
compare the Jar archives by displaying the common files that have same checksums

ASPL 14> print ####### GETTING THE INTERSECTION BETWEEN /tmp/TX/27238-tx.jar and /tmp/TX/38141-tx.jar HAVING DIFFERENT CHECKSUMS
print info string

ASPL 15> f&`c~ d1 d2
compare the Jar archives by displaying the common files that have different checksums

ASPL 16> print ####### SHOWING THE SEQUENCE ALIGNMENT (ssa) BETWEEN /tmp/TX/27238-tx.jar and /tmp/TX/38141-tx.jar
print info string

ASPL 17> sequencing ssa
set the alignment algorithm to SSA as sequence symmetry analysis

ASPL 18> g%U d1 d2
compare the Jar archives by displaying the alignment of their datasets represented by d1 and d2

ASPL 19> print ####### SHOWING SET COMPARISONS BETWEEN /tmp/TX/27238-tx.jar and /tmp/TX/38141-tx.jar
print info string

ASPL 20> FN cmp2sets(d1,d2)
run the function cmp2sets() comparing set variables d1 and d2

ASPL 21> print ####### SHOWING THE SET DENSITIES OF /tmp/TX/27238-tx.jar and /tmp/TX/38141-tx.jar
print info string

ASPL 22> density d1 d2
print the density of the set variables d1 and d2

ASPL 23> print ####### SHOWING SET SIMILARITY BETWEEN /tmp/TX/27238-tx.jar and /tmp/TX/38141-tx.jar
print info string

ASPL 24> sim d1 d2
print the similarity between d1 and d2

ASPL 25> print ####### SHOWING SET SIMILARITY w. FILES CHECKSUM BETWEEN /tmp/TX/27238-tx.jar and /tmp/TX/38141-tx.jar
print info string

ASPL 26> sim`fflc d1 d2
blablabla ASPL 26> sim`fflc d1 d2 etc......

ASPL 27> println

ASPL 28> v
print symbol table