1. #!/usr/bin/env aspl 2. #ENVARG= -groupingclass POSIX -wsname TRANSIENT -singlepass 3. 4. ;;*********************************************************************** 5. ;; jarcompare.aspl 6. ;; Compare two JAR archives 7. ;; Copyright © 2024 Bassem W. Jamaleddine 8. ;; 9. ;;*********************************************************************** 10. 11. endScriptIfShellArgsLessThan 2 12. 13. timeout 60 14. displayoff 15. d1 = ggjar(jarfile,$1,calchksum,1,calentropy,1) 16. d2 = ggjar(jarfile,$2,calchksum,1,calentropy,1) 17. 18. displayon 19. ks chksum size ffl 20. print ############################################ 21. print # SHOWING SET INTERSECTION WITH DIFFERENT CHECKSUMS BETWEEN $1 and $2 22. print ############################################ 23. f&`c~ d1 d2 24. print ############################################ 25. print # SHOWING SET SIMILARITY BETWEEN $1 and $2 26. print ############################################ 27. sim d1 d2 28. println 29. 30. endscript 31. 32. __END__ 33. 34. $00 compares two JAR archives 35. 36. $00 must be followed by the names of two JAR archives 37. 38. Example: To compare the two JAR archives /tmp/TX/27238-tx.jar and /tmp/TX/38141-tx.jar 39. 40. $00 /tmp/TX/27238-tx.jar /tmp/TX/38141-tx.jar 41.