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Comparing two or more Java Jar files with ASPL script jarcompare.pl

The following ASPL commands show how to compare three TX Jar archives from different distribution.

ASPL 1> displayoff
turn off display

ASPL 2> jar0 = ggjar(jarfile,/tmp/TX/27238-tx.jar,calchksum,1,calentropy,1)
jar0 assigned to group of files in Jar /tmp/TX/27238-tx.jar

ASPL 3> jar1 = ggjar(jarfile,/tmp/TX/38141-tx.jar,calchksum,1,calentropy,1)
jar1 assigned to group of files in Jar /tmp/TX/38141-tx.jar

ASPL 4> jar2 = ggjar(jarfile,/tmp/TX/38478-tx.jar,calchksum,1,calentropy,1)
jar2 assigned to group of files in Jar /tmp/TX/38478-tx.jar

ASPL 5> displayon
turn on display

ASPL 6> ks chksum ppdd ffl
set ks vector to chksum ppdd ffl

ASPL 7> gU jar0 jar1 jar2
display the union of jar0 jar1 jar2

ASPL 8> sim jar0 jar1 jar2
print the similarity between jar0 jar1 jar2