ASPL 1> v
WS1 hsa been loaded, display the variables
ASPL 2> fuzzy
print current duzzy distance
ASPL 3> yU a3 a5
get the fuzzy union between datasets a3 and a5
ASPL 4> fuzzy 2
set fuzzy distance to 2
ASPL 5> yU a3 a5
now fuzzy distance is 2, get the fuzzy union between datasets a3 and a5.
compare result to previous output.
ASPL 6> fuzzy 1
set fuzzy distance to 1
ASPL 7> yP a3 a5
get the fuzzy paritions of datasets a3 and a5
ASPL 8> fP a3 a5
get the fuzzy paritions of datasets a3 and a5, consider only the elements
ASPL 9> quit