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Comparing Environment Variables Between Hosts With envcompare.pl

Comparing the environment variables in a cloud is made easy with ASPL scripting language. You can ...

ASPL 1> DEF FN cmp2sets := {gU {g\, %%1 %%2}{g\, %%2 %%1}{g&, %%1 %%2}}
define function cmp2sets to compare two set variables

ASPL 2> timeout 60
set timeout to 60 seconds

ASPL 3> displayoff
turn display off

ASPL 4> localhost = ggenv(grp1,localhost)
get environment from localhost

ASPL 5> mm01 = ggenvR(grp1,mm01,hostname,mm01)
get environment from mm01

ASPL 6> displayon
turn display on

ASPL 7> sim localhost mm01
print similarity between localhost and mm01

ASPL 8> fU localhost mm01
display element unions, that is the env. names union between localhost and mm01

ASPL 9> sim localhost mm01
print similarity between localhost and mm01

ASPL 10> v
print symbol table