1. #!/usr/bin/perl 2. 3. use strict; 4. use warnings; 5. 6. # dirdiff.pl host1:/dir1 host2:/dir2 .. 7. 8. usage() unless @ARGV > 1; 9. sub usage { print join "",<DATA>; exit; } 10. 11. my @hostdirs = @ARGV;; 12. 13. my $interpreter = "aspl -groupingclass POSIX -wsname TRANSIENT -singlepass -dm 2"; 14. 15. # NOTE shebang arguments take priority over interpreter preceding -STDIN 16. #my $shebang = "#!/opt/ASPLv1.00/bin/aspl -groupingclass POSIX -wsname TRANSIENT -singlepass -dm 3"; 17. my $shebang = ""; 18. my $s = "$shebang\n"; 19. 20. $s .= "timeout 120\n"; 21. $s .= "displayoff\n"; 22. 23. my @vnames; 24. my $localhost = `hostname`; 25. my $vcnt = 0; 26. chomp $localhost; 27. foreach my $hostdir (@hostdirs) { 28. die "BAD FORMAT AS THE LIST SHOULD CONSIST OF host1:dir1 host2:dir2 ..\n" unless $hostdir =~ /^(.*?)\:(.*)$/; 29. my ($host,$dir) = ($1,$2); 30. my $vname = "v" . ++$vcnt; 31. push(@vnames,$vname); 32. if ($localhost =~ /^$host([\.]\w){0,}/i) { 33. $s .= "print GATHERING DIRECTORY $dir ON $host\n"; 34. $s .= "$vname = ggdir(grp1,$host,dir,$dir)\n"; 35. } 36. else { 37. $s .= "print GATHERING DIRECTORY $dir ON REMOTE $host\n"; 38. $s .= "$vname = ggdirR(grp1,$host,hostname,$host,dir,$dir)\n"; 39. } 40. } 41. $s .= " 42. displayon\ 43. ks mtime chksum size ppdd ffl 44. ,gU @vnames 45. sim @vnames 46. v 47. "; 48. 49. open(ASPL, "| $interpreter -STDIN") or die "ERROR OPENING A PIPE TO aspl: $! \n"; 50. print ASPL $s; 51. close ASPL; 52. 53. __END__ 54. 55. COMPARE ENV VARIABLES FOR HOST MACHINES IN A CLOUD 56. 57. dirdiff.pl must be followed by a list of hosts diretcory a such host1:dir1 host2:dir2 58. 59. Use ASPL run time interpreter to compare the directories across machines 60. in a cloud environment. 61. 62. $0 host1:dir1 host2:dir2 .. hostN:dirN 63. 64. the directories must be specified and available on the host machines. 65. 66. at least pair of hostdir must be specified. The script will check 67. if the hostname specified is the local hostname, in which case 68. the PATH of the current host is gathered, and any other host name 69. is treated as a remote host. The remote hosts must be ssh configured 70. and ssh'able from the machine where this script is executed 71. otherwise the script will fail to gather the directory on the remote host. 72. 73. Example: 74. $0 mm01:/sbin vienna:/usr/sbin 75.