ASPL 1> tee -a /public/tee/dircompare.aspl.tee
ASPL 2> DEF FN cmp2sets := {gU {g\, %%1 %%2}{g\, %%2 %%1}{g&, %%1 %%2}}
define macro function cmp2sets that compares two sets
ASPL 3> timeout 60
set timeout to 60 seconds
ASPL 4> displayoff
turn off diplay
ASPL 5> ks chksum size ppdd ffl
set ks vector to chksum size ppdd ffl
ASPL 6> d1 = ggdir(grp1,/tmp/aa3,dir,/tmp/aa3)
set set variable d1 to the group of subdirectories and files contained in the folder /tmp/aa3
and label the group with /tmp/aa3
ASPL 7> d2 = ggdir(grp1,/tmp/aa6,dir,/tmp/aa6)
set set variable d2 to the group of subdirectories and files contained in the folder /tmp/aa6
and label the group with /tmp/aa6
ASPL 8> displayon
turn on display
ASPL 9> ks chksum size mtime ffl
set ks vector to chksum size ppdd ffl
ASPL 10> g%U d1 d2
compare d1 and d2 by alignment for the union of the datasets
in variables d1 and d2
ASPL 11> sim d1 d2
display the similarity between d1 and d2
ASPL 12> FN cmp2sets(d1,d2)
compare d1 and d2 by displaying the set differences, calling the macro
function cmp2sets() on d1 and d2