ASPL 1> v
view the variables
ASPL 2> v d a1
view descriptor of variable a1
ASPL 3> ans
view the answer stack
ASPL 4> display a1
display variable a1
ASPL 5> f& a1 a2
intersect a1 and a2
ASPL 6> f&`mtm~ a1 a2
intersect a1 and a2 for these elements (or files) that have different modification time
ASPL 7> ans
view the answer stack
ASPL 8> a12 = f& a1 a2
assign to variable a12 the intersection of a1 and a2
ASPL 9> v
view the variables
ASPL 10> h
view the history
ASPL 11> hs
view all history of the workspace WS1
ASPL 12> save WS1TEST
save workspace to workspace WS1TEST
ASPL 13> wid
ASPL 14> wls
ASPL 15> quit