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Comparing WebSphere JMV in a cloud

Comparing the WebSphere JVM during run time in a cloud computing environment, compare the JAR files, and the shared libraries open by WebSphere processes, and get the similarities between the processes.

ASPL 1> def
print the defined functions

ASPL 2> q
print the defined quotient relation table

ASPL 3> density waslsof1
print the density of waslsof1, this set variable contains the list of all open files by process 3042, this can be seen in the symbol table: gglsof(pno,3042,calchksum,1)

ASPL 4> density wasof1
print the density of wasof1, this set variable contains the list of all open files of process 3042 (selecting only these accessed by WebSphere)

ASPL 5> density wasjps1
print the density of wasjps1, this set variable contains the list of JAR open files of process 3042 (selecting only these JAR files accessed by WebSphere)

ASPL 6> density waslsof1 wasof1 wasjps1
print the density histogram of all three datasets

ASPL 7> sim wascloud1 wasjarcloud1
print the similarity between wascloud1 wasjarcloud1

ASPL 8> f\ wascloud1 wasjarcloud1
print the difference between wascloud1 wasjarcloud1

ASPL 9> sim wasjps1 wasps1
print the similarity between wasjps1 wasps1

ASPL 10> f\ wasjps1 wasps1
print the difference between wasjps1 wasps1

ASPL 11> f\ wasps1 wasjps1
print the difference between wasps1 wasjps1

ASPL 12> f\ d_ps1jps1 d_ps2jps2
print the difference between d_ps1jps1 d_ps2jps2

ASPL 13> f\ d_ps2jps2 d_ps1jps1
print the difference between d_ps2jps2 d_ps1jps1

ASPL 14> f\ d_ps3jps3 d_ps1jps1
print the difference between d_ps3jps3 d_ps1jps1

ASPL 15> f\ d_ps3jps3 d_ps2jps2
print the difference between d_ps3jps3 d_ps2jps2

ASPL 16> f& d_ps1jps1 d_ps2jps2
print the common shared libraries used by WebSphere processes during runtime

ASPL 17> fP d_ps1jps1 d_ps2jps2 d_ps3jps3
print the partition of all three WebSphere processes, these datasets contains the shared libraries excluding the JAR files

ASPL 18> sim wasjarcloud1 wasjarcloud2 wasjarcloud3
print the similarity between the JAR files of all three clouds, all collected during WebSphere run time

ASPL 19> quit