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Globing directories with ASPL global grouping function ggdir()

The sample workspace TESTGGDIR shows how to glob directories on the UNIX system.

ASPL 1> egCwhoami
ping the current element grouping class container of the loaded workspace

ASPL 2> ggls ggdir
list the global function container where function names start with ggdir

ASPL 3> timeout 90
set timeout to 90

ASPL 4> ks
print the ks vector

ASPL 5> ks mtime chksum entropy ppdd ffl
set the ks vector to mtime chksum entropy ppdd ffl

ASPL 6> sudir1 = ggdir(dir,/tmp/junk/dir1/subdir1.1/subdir1.2)
sudir1 set variable is assigned the directory /tmp/junk/dir1/subdir1.1/subdir1.2

ASPL 7> sudir2 = ggdir(dir,/tmp/junk/dir2/subdir2.1/subdir2.2)
sudir2 set variable is assigned the directory /tmp/junk/dir2/subdir2.1/subdir2.2

ASPL 8> tree /tmp/junk/dir1
print the tree representing the directory /tmp/junk/dir1

ASPL 9> tree /tmp/junk/dir2
print the tree representing the directory /tmp/junk/dir2

ASPL 10> sim sudir1 sudir2
display the similarity between sudir1 sudir2

ASPL 11> f& sudir1 sudir2
display the elements (files) intersection between sudir1 and sudir2

ASPL 12> g& sudir1 sudir2
display the groups (subdirectories and files) intersection between sudir1 and sudir2

ASPL 13> treed /tmp/junk/dir1
print the tree showing the subdirectories in /tmp/junk/dir1

ASPL 14> treed /tmp/junk/dir2
print the tree showing the subdirectories in /tmp/junk/dir2

ASPL 15> d& sudir1 sudir2
display the subgroups (subdirectories) intersection between sudir1 and sudir2

ASPL 16> dD sudir1 sudir2
display the subgroups (subdirectories) symmetric difference between sudir1 and sudir2

ASPL 17> d\ sudir1 sudir2
display the subgroups (subdirectories) symmetric difference between sudir1 and sudir2

ASPL 18> d\ sudir2 sudir1
display the subgroups (subdirectories) symmetric difference between sudir2 and sudir1

ASPL 19> dU sudir1 sudir2
display the subgroups (subdirectories) union between sudir1 and sudir2

ASPL 20> dir1 = ggdir(dir,/tmp/junk/dir1)
dir1 set variable is assigned the directory /tmp/junk/dir1

ASPL 21> dir2 = ggdir(dir,/tmp/junk/dir2)
dir2 set variable is assigned the directory /tmp/junk/dir2

ASPL 22> f& dir1 dir2
display the elements intersection between dir1 and dir2

ASPL 23> density dir1 dir2
display density histograms of dir and dir2

ASPL 24> y*& dir1 dir2
fuzzy match the elements and display the comparison

ASPL 25> bye
quit ASPL saving the workspace!