ASPL 1> timeout 60
set timeout to 60 seconds
ASPL 2> G12_170 = ggRPO2Sov(N,170,glb1,G1,glb2,G2,nmfl,G12_170)
generate random polygons on two spheres, 170 polygons on each sphere, label 1st sphere as group labeled G1, label 2nd sphere as group labeled G2
ASPL 3> split G12_170 into G1 G2
split the variable G12_170 into G1 and G2 each set variable representing corresponding sphere
ASPL 4> G12 = f& G1 G2
intersect both spheres and assign the result to set variable G12
ASPL 5> G1_2 = f\ G1 G2
difference of polygons between G1 and G2 is assigned to set variable G1_2
ASPL 6> G2_1 = f\ G2 G1
difference of polygons between G2 and G1 is assigned to set variable G2_1
ASPL 7> merge G12 into G12
merge G12 into G12, this will cause to update G12 with its internal GAD, needed only with beta version of ASPL
ASPL 7> merge G1_2 into G1_2
merge G1_2 into G1_2, this will cause to update G1_2 with its internal GAD, needed only with beta version of ASPL
ASPL 7> merge G2_1 into G2_1
merge G2_1 into G2_1, this will cause to update G2_1 with its internal GAD, needed only with beta version of ASPL
ASPL 8> dumpgad G12_170
dump GEO GAD of G12_170
ASPL 8> dumpgad G12
dump GEO GAD of G12
ASPL 8> dumpgad G1_2
dump GEO GAD of G1_2
ASPL 8> dumpgad G2_1
dump GEO GAD of G2_1
ASPL 9> bye
quit saving workspace