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Realising the enthropy vs certainty for players tossing dice

Simulation with ASPL group operations to compare the similarities between the outcome of three players tossing dice on a crap table. The enthropy and the checksum ...

ASPL 1> v
display the set variables

ASPL 2> sim`fflc p123
The similarity of p123 such that the elements have the same faces for all three players at a specific throw can be obtained with with sim`fflc

ASPL 3> sim`fflc t123
The similarity of t123 such that the elements have the same faces for all three players

ASPL 4> sim`fflc u123
The similarity of u123 such that the elements have the same faces for all three players

ASPL 5> sb fU`ks= p123
display the set builder for the command fU`ks= p123

ASPL 6> fU`ks= p123
show the elements union in p123 for the three players, these elements that have the same ks vector

ASPL 7> fU`ks= t123
show the elements union in t123 for the three players, these elements that have the same ks vector

ASPL 8> fU`ks= u123
show the elements union in u123 for the three players, these elements that have the same ks vector

ASPL 9> attributes
display the attributes of the elements grouping class

ASPL 10> ks
display the ks vector

ASPL 11> ks dicesum aelm
set the ks vector to dicesum aelm, aelm is auxiliary informational attribute and is ignored by the set operations

ASPL 12> sim`fflz p123
display the similarity of p123 such that the ks vector is matching

ASPL 13> split p123 into p1 p2 p3
split the p123 into p1 p2 p3 set variables

ASPL 14> split t123 into t1 t2 t3
split the t123 into t1 t2 t3 set variables

ASPL 15> split u123 into u1 u2 u3
split the u123 into u1 u2 u3 set variables

ASPL 16> ,fU t1 u1
print the union of the elements between t1 u1

ASPL 17> ,fU`c= t1 u1
print the union of the elements between t1 u1 such that they have the same checksum

ASPL 18> fU`c= t1 u1
print the union of the elements between t1 u1 such that they have the same checksum

ASPL 19> fP`c= p1 p2 p3
print the partition of the elements in p1 p2 p3 such that they have the same checksum

ASPL 20> fP`c= p123
print the partition of the elements in p123 such that they have the same checksum

ASPL 21> ,f& p1 p123
get the intersection between p1 p123

ASPL 22> ,f&`c= p1 p123
get the intersection between p1 p123 such that they have the same checksum

ASPL 23> subset t1 t123
is t1 a subset of t123

ASPL 24> superset t123 t1
is t123 a superset of t123

ASPL 25> density t1 t123
print the densiity of t1 t123

ASPL 26> ,fP`c= p1 t1 u1
partition of elements in p1 t1 u1 such that they have the same checksum

ASPL 27> ,fU`c= p1 t1 u1
display the union of elements in p1 t1 u1 such that they have the same checksum

ASPL 28> sim`fflc p1 t1 u1
display the similarity of the elements in p1 t1 u1 such that they have the same checksum

ASPL 29> ks faces face1 face2 dicesum chksum ppdd ffl aelm
set the ks vector to faces face1 face2 dicesum chksum ppdd ffl aelm

ASPL 30> sim`fflz p1 t1 u1
display the similarity of the elements between p1 t1 u1 such that they have the same ks vector

ASPL 31> sim`fflc p1 t1 u1
display the similarity of the elements between p1 t1 u1 such that they have the same checksum

ASPL 32> ,fU`c= p1 t1
display the union of the elements for the players represented in p1 t1 such that they have the same checksum

ASPL 33> ,fU`c= p1 u1
display the union of the elements for the players represented in p1 u1 such that they have the same checksum

ASPL 34> ,fU`c= t1 u1
display the union of the elements for the players represented in t1 u1 such that they have the same checksum

ASPL 35> ,fU`c= p1 t1 u1
display the union of the elements for the players represented in p1 t1 u1 such that they have the same checksum

ASPL 36> sim`c p1 t1 u1
display the similarity for the players in p1 t1 u1 such that they have the same checksum

ASPL 37> xsim`c p1 t1 u1
display the extended similarity for the players in p1 t1 u1 such that they have the same checksum

ASPL 38> ,cU p1 t1 u1
display the union of the checksums for the players in p1 t1 u1

ASPL 39> ,cU`ks= p1 t1 u1
display the union of the checksums for the players in p1 t1 u1 such that they have the same attributes

ASPL 40> sim`c r123
display the similarity for the players in r123 such that they have the same checksums

ASPL 41> cU r123
display the union of the checksums in r123

ASPL 42> cU`ks= r123
display the union of the checksums in r123 such that they have the same attributes

ASPL 43> cP r123
display the partitions of the checksums in r123

ASPL 44> cP`ks~ r123
display the partitions of the elements in r123 such that these elements have the same different attributes

ASPL 45> cP`ks= r123
display the partitions of the elements in r123 such that these elements have the same matching attributes etc......

ASPL 46> fP r123
display the partitions of the elements in r123

ASPL 47> ks face1 ppdd ffl aelm
set the ks vector to face1 ppdd ffl aelm

ASPL 48> fU`ks= p123
display the union of the elements in p123 such that their attributes are matching

ASPL 49> ks face2 ppdd ffl aelm
set the ks vector to face2 ppdd ffl aelm

ASPL 50> fU`ks= p123
display the union of the elements in p123 such that their attributes are matching

ASPL 51> sim`fflz p123
display the similarity of the elements in p123 such that their attributes are matching

ASPL 52> sim`fflz p123 t123
display the similarity of the elements in p123 t123 such that their attributes are matching

ASPL 53> density p123
display the density of p123

ASPL 54> quit