ASPL Manual v 1.00
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ASPL uses five environment variables:
- ASPL1_00_BRIDGE is set to ASPL element grouping class container
- ASPL1_00_HOME is set to the interpreter home directory
- ASPL1_00_PROMPT determines how the interpreter prompt is displayed
- ASPL1_00_TMP is set to the temporary directory that is used by the interpreter
- ASPL_CLI_CONFIG is set to a comma delimited string defining other values related to the workspace
For instance if you have installed ASPL in /opt/ASPLv1.00 then you can export these environment variables by adding the following to your .bashrc:
export ASPL1_00_BRIDGE=/opt/ASPLv1.00/BRIDGE export ASPL1_00_HOME=/opt/ASPLv1.00 export ASPL1_00_PROMPT='prompt:{tm} {u}@{h} {cwd} aspl:{no} > ;promptcolor:bold_black;logocolor:bold_black;loadcolors:colors3' export ASPL1_00_TMP=/root/.aspl/tmp export ASPL_CLI_CONFIG=/root/.aspl/WSP/WORKSPACES1,WS1,10,10,10,1000,30,2,0,0,0,0
ASPL bin and shared directories should be added to your PATH.
The standard version of ASPL will mock the grouping classes.
The environment variable ASPL_CLI_CONFIG can be viewed from within ASPL by typing the command envvar that displays its value as being seen by ASPL. In particular this is useful in case you have overwritten some of its comma delimited options. The following figure shows the environment variable as seen by ASPL in a user session.
1:4:33 root@mm01 /opt/ASPLv1.00/shared aspl:1 > envvar CURRENTLY FROM WITHIN THE APPLICATION: -------------------------------------- ASPL_CLI_CONFIG=/root/.aspl/WSP/WORKSPACES1,TRIVIAL,10,10,10,1000,30,2,0,0,0,0 | | | | | | | | | | | +--> synchronize workspace container | | | | | | | | | | +----> make variables global | | | | | | | | | +------> persist data changes | | | | | | | | +--------> assign once | | | | | | | +----------> display mode | | | | | | +------------> wksp keep, keep lessons | | | | | +----------------> history size | | | | +--------------------> unswer size | | | +-----------------------> enswer size | | +--------------------------> answer size | +--------------------------------> workspace name +--------------------------------------------------> workspace directory The above variable is the current ASPL_CLI_CONFIG variable that is being used by ASPL client. Some values may have been changed. Compare them to the initial values as set in the shell. AS BEING SET IN THE SHELL: -------------------------- ASPL_CLI_CONFIG=/root/.aspl/WSP/WORKSPACES1,WS1,10,10,10,1000,30,2,0,0,0,0 | | | | | | | | | | | +--> synchronize workspace container | | | | | | | | | | +----> make variables global | | | | | | | | | +------> persist data changes | | | | | | | | +--------> assign once | | | | | | | +----------> display mode | | | | | | +------------> wksp keep, keep lessons | | | | | +----------------> history size | | | | +--------------------> unswer size | | | +-----------------------> enswer size | | +--------------------------> answer size | +------------------------------> workspace name +----------------------------------------------> workspace directory 1:4:37 root@mm01 /opt/ASPLv1.00/shared aspl:2 >
You can notice that the workspace name has been changed from WS1 (that is coded in the environment variable ASPL_CLI_CONFIG) to TRIVIAL that is explicitly set by specifying it following the -wsname option.