ASPL Manual v 1.00
© 2024 by SetSphere.COM
ASPL is a containment software that is programmed on the UNIX system. Its components are laid on the UNIX filesystem, and the software uses many of the basic UNIX commands. Users who are confortable with the basic UNIX commands should be able to navigate easily around ASPL software. The command envvar displays a valuable output showing many of the ASPL tilde-expansions and ASPL settable enviornment variables. For instance, the user can specify one of the various UNIX editors to be used by ASPL. ASPL tilde-expansions are shortcuts, similar to shell aliases, that allow the user to navigate or to edit ASPL configuration. The following shows the output of the command envvar:
tilde expansion explanation directory --------------- --------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------- ~pwd Parent process working directory /usr/lib64/perl5/vendor_perl/Hyphened ~home ASPL home directory /opt/ASPLv1.00 ~shared ASPL shared directory /opt/ASPLv1.00/shared ~scripts Scripts directory (beta v2) NO SUCH DIRECTORY: ~scripts ~etc ASPL etc directory /opt/ASPLv1.00/etc ~tmp ASPL tmp directory /root/.aspl/tmp ~bin ASPL bin directory /opt/ASPLv1.00/bin ~wsp ASPL Workspace directory /root/.aspl/WSP/WORKSPACES1 ~gg ASPL Grouping Functions directory (loadable) /opt/ASPLv1.00/BRIDGE/ASPL/GGs ~ggs ASPL Grouping Functions directory (loadable) /opt/ASPLv1.00/BRIDGE/ASPL/GGs ~feeder Tied Attributes directory (loadable modules) NO SUCH DIRECTORY: ~feeder ~geosubs GEO contextual set operation modules NO SUCH DIRECTORY: ~geosubs ** You can navigate to any of these directories within ASPL, just type its tilde-expansion at the ASPL prompt. ** To list the files in any of these directories within ASPL, just precede its tilde-expansion with ll,lls,llt,lltr,lld, or llsdr. ** NOTE: the ~feeder directory is only available if the group attributes are tied to real time UNIX device. ** NOTE: the ~geosubs directory is only available only for GEOmetric element grouping class. tilde expansion explanation file --------------- --------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------- ~colorsfile Colors configuration file /opt/ASPLv1.00/.aspl/etc/colors.conf ~emailsfile Email groups file /root/.aspl/etc/emailspool ~ddmfile DDM configuration file /opt/ASPLv1.00/etc/ddm.conf ~shallowed Shallowed set operation processors module /opt/ASPLv1.00/.aspl/etc/ ~asplconf ASPL configuration file (sessions timeout) /opt/ASPLv1.00/etc/aspl.conf ** To edit any of these files within ASPL you can specify its tilde-expansion at the ASPL prompt, or just edit it in another terminal. THE FOLLOWING ARE THE EXPORTED ASPL ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES: ---------------------------------------------------------- ASPL1_00_BRIDGE=/opt/ASPLv1.00/BRIDGE ASPL1_00_HOME=/opt/ASPLv1.00 ASPL1_00_PROMPT='prompt:{tm} {u}@{h} {cwd} aspl:{no} > ;promptcolor:bold_black;logocolor:bold_black;loadcolors:colors3' ASPL1_00_TMP=/root/.aspl/tmp ASPL_CLI_CONFIG=/root/.aspl/WSP/WORKSPACES1,TRIVIAL,10,10,10,1000,30,2,0,0,0,0 BASH_EXECUTION_STRING='echo;set | grep ASPL' PATH=/work/bin:vs/QM/bin:/vs/PRSS/bin:/tools:/usr/lib64/qt-3.3/bin:/usr/lib64/ccache:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/opt/ASPLv1.00/bin:/opt/ASPLv1.00/shared:/root/.aspl/scripts:/opt/ASPLv1.00/BRIDGE/bin:/root/bin EDITOR: "vi " YOU CAN CHANGE THE EDITOR. FOR EXAMPLE, TO USE "vim" EDITOR: export ASPL_EDITOR=vim TO USE "joe" EDITOR: export ASPL_EDITOR=joe TO USE "jpico" EDITOR: export ASPL_EDITOR=jpico TO USE "emacs" EDITOR: export ASPL_EDITOR=emacs YOU NEED TO EXIST AND EXPORT ASPL_EDITOR. ASPL DEFAULT EDITOR IS "vi" THE EDITOR IS DISABLED IF PAGING IS ON. PAGER: The current pager is "more" The pager is disable by default, but you can toggle it with: paging 1 and turn it off with: paging 0 HISTORY: The history of any ASPL workspace can be recalled with the "hs" command. You can grep the history or the currently loaded workspace, for example: hs grep somestring The current history of a session can be recalled with the "h" command. The current history of a session is not being saved unless the workspace is saved with the "save" or "bye" command. At the ASPL prompt, you can display the history of all workspaces can be displayed by typing "hsall", and you can grep the history of all workspaces for somestring by typing "hsall grep somestring" aspl> hsall On the UNIX shell prompt you can also display the history by using any of the following commands: # asplcmd hsall # aspl -verb hsall # asplcmd hsall | grep somestring WHICH: ASPL has a colorful pretty print "which" command. aspl> whichxX+iR *aspl*group* It is also available at the UNIX shell prompt as the "whichma" command: # whichma xX+iR "*aspl*group*" and even build a tree and walk its directories: # ALTERNATE_EXPANDEDPATH=$(pathedtree -dir /opt/ASPLv1.00/BRIDGE/ASPL) whichma xX+iR "aspl*/Feeder*pm" For more about ASPL "which" command, or it shell equivalent whichma-call-it "whichma" command, type "whichma" at the shell prompt. grepls: The "grepls" command is used to grep somestring in the files of a directory: grepls TRIVIAL /opt/ASPLv1.00/BRIDGE/ASPL/GGs/* WORKSPACE: The current workspaces repository is "/root/.aspl/WSP/WORKSPACES1" The currently loaded workspace is "RANDONEBIT" VERBOSE: Start ASPL with -verbose option to display its startup. If a workspace has been already saved, then you can quickly start ASPL by loading it, eg. to load TRIVIAL: # aspl TRIVIAL # aspl TRIVIAL -verbose The ASPL intepreter is a pure PERL implementation that is build on top of the UNIX system and it uses the PERL virtual machine in processing its statements. Thank you for using ASPL. COPYRIGHT 2024 by Bassem W. Jamaleddine