TCND Universal Registration
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Registration form

Thanks for registering with TCND. By filling out the form below you register to TCND, then you can use your username and password all over A required field is marked with a red asterisk ( * ).

Note: TCND is committed to protecting your privacy. TCND does not save your password in plain text, therefore recovering it is not possible. The mother maiden name is used in case you forget your password.

First name:*
Last name:*
School name:*
Login or screen name:*
(must be 6 to 20 characters and is used as your login name)
Choose a password:*
(must be at least 6 characters)
Confirm your password:*
Mother maiden name:*
(used in case you forget your password)
Confirm mother maiden name:*
Pin number:*
(four digits number)
Street address:
Street address(continued):
Province(if applicable):
Zip code:
Email address:*
  area code: number: ext:
Fax number:
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 TCND-Email-List and Notification more

TCND periodically makes new releases and upgrades of its applications. New articles may also be released using these applications. Articles will cover data mining cloud environment, high performance computing on UNIX clusted environment, benchmarking Web application servers, timeseries analysis, and much more ...
Yes, I would like to be notified via email of these upcoming releases.
No, I do not want any notification to be sent to me via email.

TCND would like to communicate users questions and answers about WebSphere Application Server via email. This is similar to the way a USERGROUP operate, but the problems solved are more aggresively addressed in an article that TCND users will contribute to. Articles are posted on TCND web site.
This option is not operational yet, but answering YES at this time, will make sure that you are added to the mailing list.
Would you like to be added to TCND-Email-List for such a program? Yes    No


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